Data set

Load the 65th multilayer network from the emln package. This particular network is a temporal plant pollinator multilayer network without interlayer interactions, and it consists of 6 layers, corresponding to the flowering season between 2006 and 2011.

# Load multilayer network number 65
emln_65 <- load_emln(65)
## [1] "Creating state node map"
## [1] "Creating extended link list with node IDs"
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   layer_id latitude location                                         longitude name            year layer_name
##      <int>    <dbl> <chr>                                                <dbl> <chr>          <int> <chr>     
## 1        1    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2006  2006 layer_1   
## 2        2    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2007  2007 layer_2   
## 3        3    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2008  2008 layer_3   
## 4        4    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_209   2009 layer_4   
## 5        5    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2010  2010 layer_5   
## 6        6    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2011  2011 layer_6
## # A tibble: 6 × 15
##   node_id node_name type  corolla_le…¹ corol…² heigh…³ flowe…⁴ body_…⁵ body_…⁶ probo…⁷ probo…⁸ body_…⁹ taxa_…˟ verif…˟ speci…˟
##     <int> <chr>     <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
## 1       1 aca.ser   plant         3.15   0.912   0.154   42118      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA TRUE    species acanth…
## 2       2 alo.gra   plant         5.01   1.02    0.525    5944      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA FALSE   <NA>    aloyss…
## 3       3 arg.sub   plant        35.0   28.8     0.514       0      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA TRUE    species argemo…
## 4       4 arj.lon   plant        14.5    1.67    0.222    3252      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA TRUE    species arjona…
## 5       5 bou.spi   plant        10.2    1.48    1.77     1610      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA TRUE    species bougai…
## 6       6 bre.mic   plant         4.17   2       0.32        0      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA TRUE    species bredem…
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​corolla_length, ²​corolla_aperture, ³​height_mean, ⁴​flower_abundance, ⁵​body_thickness,
## #   ⁶​body_length, ⁷​proboscis_length, ⁸​proboscis_width, ⁹​body_width, ˟​taxa_verified, ˟​verification_level, ˟​species_name
##   layer_from node_from layer_to node_to weight        type
## 1    layer_1   cop.sp2  layer_1 aca.ser     19 pollination
## 2    layer_1   exo.sp1  layer_1 aca.ser      2 pollination
## 3    layer_1   str.eur  layer_1 aca.ser      1 pollination
## 4    layer_1   api.mel  layer_1 alo.gra    368 pollination
## 5    layer_1    aug.sp  layer_1 alo.gra      3 pollination
## 6    layer_1   bom.opi  layer_1 alo.gra      5 pollination


A multilayer link-list format. With this format, a random walker moves within a layer and with a given relax rate r jumps to another layer without recording this movement, such that the constraints from moving in different layers can be gradually relaxed. If the *Inter exists, then interlayer edges can be used. However, if a relax rate is also used (Infomap input parameter --multilayer-relax-rate), the interlayer edges are ignored. Here we only include *Intra.

# A network in multilayer format
#layer node node weight
1 101 1 19
1 113 1 2
1 152 1 1
... some more cases ...
6 69 11 17
6 70 11 2
6 87 11 3

R Code

The description of functions create_multilayer_object and run_infomap_multilayer in the infomapecology package contains everything you need to know. The for loop performs a sensitivity analysis to examine how structure changes with increasing relax rates.

#Run Infomap and return the network's modular structure at increasing relax-rates.
relaxrate_modules <- NULL
# Initialize an empty data frame to store results
results <- data.frame(relax_rate = numeric(), module_count = numeric())

for (r in seq(0.001,1, by = 0.0999)){
  modules_relax_rate <- run_infomap_multilayer(emln_65, relax = T, silent = T, trials = 50, seed = 497294,    multilayer_relax_rate = r, multilayer_relax_limit_up = 1, multilayer_relax_limit_down = 0, temporal_network = T)
  modules_relax_rate$modules$relax_rate <- r
  relaxrate_modules <- rbind(relaxrate_modules, modules_relax_rate$modules)
  # Append results to the data frame
  results <- rbind(results, data.frame(relax_rate = r, module_count = modules_relax_rate$m))

ggplot(results, aes(x = relax_rate, y = module_count)) +
  geom_line(color = "blue") +
  labs(x = "relax rate (r)", y = "Number of modules")+
  theme_bw()+theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())


Under the hood, the function run_infomap_multilayer runs:

./Infomap infomap_multilayer.txt . -2 --seed 497294 -N 50 -i multilayer --multilayer-relax-rate 0.15 --multilayer-relax-limit-up 1 --multilayer-relax-limit-down 0 --silent

Explanation of key arguments: * -i multilayer indicates a multilayer input format, which is automatically recognized as a multilayer link list (and not as a general link list). * --multilayer-relax-rate 0.15 defines the relax rate (here 0.15). * multilayer-relax-limit-up 1 --multilayer-relax-limit-down 0 limits relaxation to a single layer upwards (l to l+1), but never downwards, because time flows one-way.


For multilayer network the output file has a _states suffix, with the following format. This output is as in Temporal multilayer network with interlayer edges.

# path flow name stateId physicalId layerId
# path flow name state_id node_id layer_id
1:1 0.0208474 "12" 604 12 6
1:2 0.0166813 "100" 531 100 6
1:3 0.0103777 "45" 600 45 6
1:4 0.00927889 "58" 526 58 6

This output is parsed by run_infomap_multilayer to obtain a table in which each state node (combination of a physical node in a layer) is assigned to a module. This can be obtained by (after running the code above):

relaxrate_modules %>% select(node_id, layer_id, node_name, type, module, relax_rate)
## # A tibble: 7,062 × 6
##    node_id layer_id node_name type  module relax_rate
##      <int>    <int> <chr>     <chr>  <int>      <dbl>
##  1       1        1 aca.ser   plant      1      0.001
##  2       1        2 aca.ser   plant     10      0.001
##  3       1        3 aca.ser   plant     15      0.001
##  4       1        4 aca.ser   plant     25      0.001
##  5       1        5 aca.ser   plant     31      0.001
##  6       1        6 aca.ser   plant     37      0.001
##  7       2        1 alo.gra   plant      1      0.001
##  8       2        3 alo.gra   plant     16      0.001
##  9       2        4 alo.gra   plant     25      0.001
## 10       2        5 alo.gra   plant     35      0.001
## # … with 7,052 more rows