
The emln package is a valuable tool for importing, storing, and converting multilayer network data. In this section, we will demonstrate its practical application for downstream analysis using examples: (1) node-level analysis using an imported data set, and (2) a mesoscale analysis using a package-included data set.

We emphasize that the goal of the following analyses is purely technical. We do not assume to study or interpret results in the data sets we use in the example.

Node-level analysis with an imported dataset

At this analysis level, we will compare the eigenvector centrality scores for each state node when calculated separately per layer (as in a monolayer network), to those calculated in the multilayer. We use the get_igraph function to get the individual layers and the get_sam function of EMLN to get the supra-adjacency matrix (SAM) to get the multilayer.

This comparison aims to highlight the differences between monolayer and multilayer representations. Since eigenvector centrality takes into account the entire network’s structure when calculating the centrality of each node, we anticipate no correlation. Examining the scores in different contexts (mono vs multilayer) offers valuable insights and alternative perspectives on node importance.

Creating a Multilayer Object

Before calculating the eigenvector centrality scores for each state node, it is recommended to transform the data into a multilayer object using the create_multilayer_network function. This facilitates the handling of the data and ensures a smoother analysis process.

We use the data from Kefi et al 2016. The data represents a node-aligned multiplex network consisting of three layers: trophic interactions, non-trophic positive interactions, and non-trophic negative interactions. For detailed instructions on creating a multilayer object, please refer to the Example with real data from Kefi 2016 section. The files are also available on our repository (file:

# Load and organize the trophic interactions matrix
chilean_TI <- read_delim('chilean_TI.txt', delim = '\t')
nodes <- chilean_TI[,2]
names(nodes) <- 'Species'
chilean_TI <- data.matrix(chilean_TI[,3:ncol(chilean_TI)])
dimnames(chilean_TI) <- list(nodes$Species,nodes$Species)

# Load and organize the negative non-trophic interactions matrix
chilean_NTIneg <- read_delim('chilean_NTIneg.txt', delim = '\t')
nodes <- chilean_NTIneg[,2]
names(nodes) <- 'Species'
chilean_NTIneg <- data.matrix(chilean_NTIneg[,3:ncol(chilean_NTIneg)])
dimnames(chilean_NTIneg) <- list(nodes$Species,nodes$Species)

# Load and organize the negative non-trophic positive matrix
chilean_NTIpos <- read_delim('chilean_NTIpos.txt', delim = '\t')
nodes <- chilean_NTIpos[,2]
names(nodes) <- 'Species'
chilean_NTIpos <- data.matrix(chilean_NTIpos[,3:ncol(chilean_NTIpos)])
dimnames(chilean_NTIpos) <- list(nodes$Species,nodes$Species)

layer_attributes <- tibble(layer_id=1:3, layer_name=c('TI','NTIneg','NTIpos'))
multilayer_kefi <- create_multilayer_network(list_of_layers = list(chilean_TI,chilean_NTIneg,chilean_NTIpos),
                                             interlayer_links = NULL,
                                             layer_attributes = layer_attributes,
                                             bipartite = F,
                                             directed = T)
## [1] "Layer #1 processing."
## [1] "Done."
## [1] "Layer #2 processing."
## [1] "Some nodes have no interactions. They will appear in the node table but not in the edge list"
## [1] "Done."
## [1] "Layer #3 processing."
## [1] "Some nodes have no interactions. They will appear in the node table but not in the edge list"
## [1] "Done."
## [1] "Creating extended link list with node IDs"
## [1] "Organizing state nodes"

Eigenvector Centrality

We will now calculate the eigenvector centrality score of each state node using the two different methods:

Method 1: Monolayer Context

Calculating the Eigenvector centrality score of each state node on a per-layer basis.

# get a list of igraph objects as layers igraph 
g_layer <- get_igraph(multilayer_kefi, bipartite = F, directed = T)

# get Eigenvector scores of igraph layers
eigen_igraph = c()
for (layer in g_layer$layers_igraph){
  eigen_igraph <- append(eigen_igraph, igraph::eigen_centrality(layer, scale = T)$vector)

Method 2: Multilayer Context

Calculating the eigenvector centrality score of each state node using a SAM of the multilayer network.

# get the SAM
sam_multilayer <- get_sam(multilayer = multilayer_kefi, bipartite = F, directed = T, sparse = F, remove_zero_rows_cols = F)

# converting SAM to igraph object
graph_sam <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(sam_multilayer$M,mode = "directed",weighted = NULL,diag = TRUE,add.colnames = NULL,add.rownames = NA)

# get Eigenvector scores
eigen_sam <- igraph::eigen_centrality(graph_sam, directed = T, scale = T)$vector


We visualize the correlation between the two sets of scores using a scatter plot. The scatter plot was created by merging the scores into a data frame called ec_comparison and using the ggplot2 package. The x-axis and y-axis represent the multilayer and monolayer scores, respectively. The function geom_abline() adds a reference line to the scatter plot. Nodes that fall on this line have the same score in a monolayer and a multilayer context.

# merge to data frame eigenvector comparison
ec_comparison <- data.frame(eigen_sam, eigen_igraph)
colnames(ec_comparison) <- c("multilayer","monolayer")

# scatter plot using r ggplot2
ggplot(data = ec_comparison, aes(monolayer, multilayer)) + 
           geom_point(color = "blue", size = 0.75) + 
           labs(title = "Eigenvector Centrality (EC) comparison", x = "EC (monolayer)", y = "EC (multilayer)")+
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1))+
  coord_fixed() +
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_text(size=15),
        axis.text = element_text(color='black',size = 10),
        legend.text =  element_text(size=15),
        legend.title = element_text(size=20))

The deviation of the points from the reference line indicates a lack of correlation between the two centrality scores. We see that the majority of the nodes that are important in a monolayer, lose this importance in the multilayer network. There is also a group of species that are important in both network types (upper right corner). This highlights the value of considering the unique ecological processes and interactions represented by different layers when analyzing multilayer networks and interpreting node importance.

Mesoscale level analysis with included data sets

In this example, we showcase how to load and analyze a data set included in the emln package. At the mesoscale level of network analysis, examining network properties such as modularity can provide insights into the temporal behavior of species communities. In this analysis, we use the community detection algorithm infomap with the infomapecology package to detect modules in a temporal multilayer network.

Loading the data

To begin, we load network number 65 using the load_emln function, which returns a multilayer object.

emln_65 <- load_emln(65)
## [1] "Creating state node map"
## [1] "Creating extended link list with node IDs"
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   layer_id latitude location                                         longitude name            year layer_name
##      <int>    <dbl> <chr>                                                <dbl> <chr>          <int> <chr>     
## 1        1    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2006  2006 layer_1   
## 2        2    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2007  2007 layer_2   
## 3        3    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2008  2008 layer_3   
## 4        4    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_209   2009 layer_4   
## 5        5    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2010  2010 layer_5   
## 6        6    -32.4 Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina     -69.1 all_sites_2011  2011 layer_6
## # A tibble: 180 × 15
##    node_id node_name type  corolla_length corolla_aperture height_mean flower_abundance body_thickness body_length proboscis_length proboscis_width
##      <int> <chr>     <chr>          <dbl>            <dbl>       <dbl>            <int>          <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>           <dbl>
##  1       1 aca.ser   plant           3.15            0.912       0.154            42118             NA          NA               NA              NA
##  2       2 alo.gra   plant           5.01            1.02        0.525             5944             NA          NA               NA              NA
##  3       3 arg.sub   plant          35.0            28.8         0.514                0             NA          NA               NA              NA
##  4       4 arj.lon   plant          14.5             1.67        0.222             3252             NA          NA               NA              NA
##  5       5 bou.spi   plant          10.2             1.48        1.77              1610             NA          NA               NA              NA
##  6       6 bre.mic   plant           4.17            2           0.32                 0             NA          NA               NA              NA
##  7       7   plant           5.46            1.19        0.49               301             NA          NA               NA              NA
##  8       8 cap.ata   plant           0.25            1.69        1.61                59             NA          NA               NA              NA
##  9       9 cen.sol   plant          17.5             1.5         0.122                3             NA          NA               NA              NA
## 10      10 cer.arv   plant           5.27           13.3         0.277              480             NA          NA               NA              NA
## # ℹ 170 more rows
## # ℹ 4 more variables: body_width <dbl>, taxa_verified <chr>, verification_level <chr>, species_name <chr>
##   layer_from node_from layer_to node_to weight        type
## 1    layer_1   cop.sp2  layer_1 aca.ser     19 pollination
## 2    layer_1   exo.sp1  layer_1 aca.ser      2 pollination
## 3    layer_1   str.eur  layer_1 aca.ser      1 pollination
## 4    layer_1   api.mel  layer_1 alo.gra    368 pollination
## 5    layer_1    aug.sp  layer_1 alo.gra      3 pollination
## 6    layer_1   bom.opi  layer_1 alo.gra      5 pollination

This is a temporal plan-pollinator multilayer network with nrow(emln_65$layers) layers and max(emln_65$nodes$node_id) physical nodes. The network comprises nrow(emln_65$extended) intralayer edges that are directed and weighted, with no interlayer interactions.

Community detection (modularity) analysis

Next, we use infomap with infomapecology to detect modules. We first prepare the data for analysis by selecting the relevant columns and modifying their names. Then, we run infomap on the modified data set, considering factors such as relaxation rate and limits.

Note that the function create_multilayer_object prepares a multilayer object for infomapecology. Future versions of infomapecology will directly use the multilayer object created by the EMLN package.

emln_65_modularity <- run_infomap_multilayer(M = emln_65,
                                               relax = T, silent = TRUE,
                                               trials = 50, seed = 497294,
                                               multilayer_relax_rate = 0.15,
                                               multilayer_relax_limit_up = 1,
                                               multilayer_relax_limit_down = 0,
                                               temporal_network = T)
## [1] "Using global relax to determine flow between layers."
## [1] "./Infomap infomap_multilayer.txt . --tree -2 -N 50 --seed 497294 --silent --multilayer-relax-rate 0.15 --multilayer-relax-limit-up 1 --multilayer-relax-limit-down 0"
## [1] "Reorganizing modules..."
## [1] "Removing auxilary files..."
## [1] "Partitioned into 38 modules."

Let’s take a look at the modules.

# Number of modules:
## [1] 38
emln_65_modularity$modules %>% 
  select(node_id, layer_id, node_name, type, module)
## # A tibble: 642 × 5
##    node_id layer_id node_name type  module
##      <int>    <int> <chr>     <chr>  <int>
##  1       1        1 aca.ser   plant      1
##  2       1        2 aca.ser   plant     13
##  3       1        3 aca.ser   plant     16
##  4       1        4 aca.ser   plant      4
##  5       1        5 aca.ser   plant      4
##  6       1        6 aca.ser   plant     36
##  7       2        1 alo.gra   plant      1
##  8       2        3 alo.gra   plant      7
##  9       2        4 alo.gra   plant      4
## 10       2        5 alo.gra   plant     34
## # ℹ 632 more rows

Module persistence

As this is a temporal network, we can observe module persistence and its temporal dynamics. we plot the changes in each module’s size over time.

# Module' persistence
plot_multilayer_modules(emln_65_modularity, type = 'rectangle', color_modules = T)+
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_text(size=20),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 20),
        legend.text =  element_text(size=15),
        legend.title = element_text(size=20))

Note that in the first layers there are 4 modules that do not persist. Than, in the second layer modules emerge that persist, some until the 6th layer.

We can also visualize the modular structure over time by plotting the species flow through modules. In this visualization, modules are represented by colors, the size of rectangles indicates the number of species in each module, and curved lines depict species moving between layers (time periods).

# Species flow through modules in time
plot_multilayer_alluvial(emln_65_modularity, module_labels = F)+
  labs(y='Number of species')+
  theme(legend.position = "none",
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(color='black', size = 20),
        axis.title = element_text(size=20))

This visual representation of how species transition between modules over time helps us gain insights into the dynamics of species communities.

For more details on temporal multilayer network analysis using infomapecology visit Temporal multilayer network with global relax rates and Temporal multilayer network with interlayer edges.